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DRAMA 10 (3 or 5 credits)

  • Whether you have taken Drama before or not there is a significant orientation that allows students to gain knowledge of each other and confidence within themselves to interact in a theatre environment and take healthy risks. The area of MOVEMENT is a primary focus at this level. Every attempt is made to see live theatre as a part of the curriculum.

DRAMA 20 / 30 (5 credits each)

  • These are progressive courses in performance at an intermediate level. Our goal is to illuminate all aspects of our talents and resources and use these in communication with each other. In Drama 20 an important focus is PLAYWRITING and in Drama 30 a significant area of focus is DIRECTING. Every attempt is made to see live theatre and often to bring in Theatre Specialists like playwright Vern Thiessen through WorkShop West.



  • Students who successfully audition for the Drama Production will be given credit in Performing Arts and/or Advanced Acting. This is an after school program which runs 3 days a week throughout the year.

  • The philosophy of this program is inclusivity, so productions chosen are often based on student interest and numbers. This class focuses on all aspects of putting up a production. This is our school’s CAPPIES show





  • This is an awards program which is supported by both the Edmonton Journal and The Citadel Theatre. Students attend three other schools’ productions allowing them to review each show. A day of training is held in October at either the Edmonton Journal or The Citadel Theatre where all aspects of the program are taught.

MUSICAL THEATRE 15/25/35 (5 credits)
This 5 credit course aims to provide an interactive environment for students who are interested in singing, dancing, and acting as part of an ensemble, and able to commit to the rehearsal process necessary to put on a full-scale musical production. Students develop vocal and physical skills to create characters on stage, and learn choreography specific to the style and era of the particular production. In addition, students will have the opportunity to work with theatre professionals in the area of voice, dance, movement for actors, and technical theatre. Students enrolled in this course will be part of the school’s musical theatre production and will rehearse after school and on occasional Saturdays and put up the show at The Arden Theatre for two matinees and two evening performances. 






  • The dynamic for this program is focusing on and polishing skills and talents that lie in the area of set design, set construction, crew management, lighting design and operation, sound design and operation and special effects building. Credits in Tech Theatre can be obtained through involvement in the Musical Production or the Dramatic Production.


Musical Theater

Dramatic Presentation & Advanced Acting

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